
Best user reviews from around the web:

“I will delete my account because locking me out of my account in any random time does not offer any security to me.” -DonnaTTT

“They suspended my account without even referring to my alternative account. Worst service ever” -AhmedIbrahim_971

“I also filled out this form, but nobody has contacted me from Microsoft. My account has been blocked for one week now! This is very frustrating. Don’t rely on Microsoft services…” -ØyvindXY

“I entered the code and did all that was asked, but when I finished it all, my account was reseted? All of my emails were gone. Is that supposed to happen?” -KarlaCapaz

“LSurely syncing with an e-mail client is a standard practice and your algorithm for “suspicious behavior” wouldn’t think anything of it.” -JambomJambom

“It is now 11:43am and I’m still first in line. wonder how long it’ll last.” -JonathanVargas1

“It is now 620 PM. Windows STILL shows position 1.” -JonathanVargas1

“Yes, it is free, but didn’t I buy their product?” -JoyceDraganchuk

“Have You Noticed How Microsoft Technical Support Forms Are Basically … Useless” -SteveFL

“Just How Awful Are Microsoft’s Support Services? It’s a nightmare to get help from Microsoft, many claim” -SOFTPEDIA®

“We’ve contacted Microsoft to ask for comments on this story and will update when an answer is offered. (Originally Posted: Sep 8, 2015)” -SOFTPEDIA®

“Completely useless support staff has cost you a former loyal customer” -Pyrceval78

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